
this is not a press update but instead a css update.

the cool bar on top is because:
 1. rainbows are cool
 2. rainbows go really well with a light theme

i made them kind of dull so that my eyes don't die.

i would import fonts but that would ruin my glorious 1.7 kb
index page and my 0.2 s (or something similar) load times.       (well it turns out its actually closer
and we can't be having that around here (i am still a sucker       to 50 ms so yeah)
for fast things).


actually, images would also break load times so i guess i 
wont actually be adding image support.

i am also aware that this happens to coincide with the start
of june, which is was not the intention but i guess im rolling 
with it.

the css is below:

  pre { padding: 2ch; }
  body { margin: 0; color: #383838; }
  .chroma {
     padding: 0.5ch 0ch; 
     background: linear-gradient(to right, 
     #ff8383, #ff8383 14%, 
     #ffd283 14%, #ffd283 28%,
     #fff270 28%, #fff270 42%, 
     #b3ff87 42%, #b3ff87 56%, 
     #6cffca 56%, #6cffca 70%, 
     #6cd7ff 70%, #6cd7ff 84%,
     #bca2ff 84%, #bca2ff); }