# LEAVING A LEGACY ---------- 08-06-2024 > would you rather own a company that earns 1.5 million a year or get a nobel prize? > a nobel prize, becaue it leaves a legacy. I DISAGREE. first of all, 1.5 million not doing anything is a crazy deal. i wish to get 1.5 million a year thats so good what are you talking about. secondly, i'm not one to really care about my legacy. legacies are a fickle thing because by definition it really does not benefit me, but only my... succesors? i guess. and yeah, call me greedy, but leaving a legacy is also prideful. yeah thats what i thought. but if i were to leave a legacy, why be limited to a nobel prize? after all, nobel prizes aren't forever. the nobel foundation is lasted a long time, but in the grand scale of human history, it is but a blip. if i were to leave a legacy, it wouldn't be for some little scientific achievement? it would be for the character of my being and my qualities as a human. when people talk about me, they won't know me just as the discoverer or inventor of X, they'll know me as cc 'spicata' chen. they'll talk about me as a person. but that would only last for a while. as those who know me die, and those who knew of them die too, i wouldn't remain. so become more than a person. become an idea. embody an idea. when they say a word, when they feel an emotion, they will think of my name. i will be what hercules is to strength i will be what mickey mouse is to copyright i will be what achilles is to... weakness i guess why be limited to an engraving in stone or a statue or just some data on a computer. why be a nobel laureate when you could become a myth? IF I LEAVE A LEGACY, the world shall echo my name. hearsay and oral stories can and sometimes will long outlast written tradition. become a cultural icon. become the embodiment an idea. become a story. become immortal. ccchen megalomania arc