# future plans ---------- 26-05-2024 i dont know what much else there is to work on press anymore. most of the things that i wanted to add to press is done so like you know. though, someone had some suggestions so maybe press+ might be something i work on. i might actually write a press... statement of intent i guess? apart from that, spicata 99 will probably be going back up. not for notes and things, just as my own stay on the internet as it should be. as for the town, ill probably be leaving it *as an organisation*. i will still stay a part of the community but as has been echoed before the town is dead, and there's no point pretending it isnt. nightfall city has captured my interest though, and the idea of treating the internet as a place where people can stay and set up shop, as a place for people to design and shape continues to enthrall me. (okay cecechen ccc ce big words) because its such a fun and romantic idea, is it not? (not in the sense of love, anyways setting up an internet group or webring like nightfall city but like idealism, you know?) might be a possible future pathway. not with the idea of sharing notes like notes coalition and town was, but with the focus on settling the web. after all, it should be a place that people are able to shape, not massive internet monoliths such as twitter, facebook, and instagram. away from corporate interests. individual websites are always exciting. oh yeah, as a note, town 99 and town timeline will probably be going down, since i'm the one supporting them. which means, functionally, the town organisational structure outside of the group chat is like... its gone.