# SUNRISE SUPRISE ---------- 26-05-2024 a new day always comes back around. the sun is rising again, its a new age. for me. welcome back to spicata 99. its been a while, hasnt it? things are a little different around here. quite obviously so NUMBER ONE: i left the town its nothing against the town personally. its just no longer it, you know? and ive got my reasons, which i might reveal in the future, but as for now, thats all that you need to know. for those who are in the discord server, im not going anywhere, im staying there. but im going to stop pretending that we actually get stuff done and that its meant to be a notes thing anymore. that means, for the first time in a long time, spicata 99 is not a part of the town umbrella. im not endorsing it anymore. i am free? i guess? its nice i guess, i was kind of hard carrying for a long time, and now i dont need to. h ow fun! (cc chennings poetry right here) NUMBER TWO: press im not longer using jekyll. it just didnt work? for some reason. so im kind of just abandoning it. i have no clue what the problem is, but it gem is just not letting me run it. like, i would install it using `bundle install` and it would run perfectly, but then when i go to actually run jekyll, it would just say that it's not installed. which im pretty sure it is. if you think you've got a fix to it, the repository is still up, so maybe check it out and get back to me if you know what the problem is. okay so turns out the source code repository is private so i guess its not getting fixed. i had a short run with zola, but there were some quirks with it that i just couldnt figure out, especially with the themes. and while these same problems were in jekyll, it had much better documentation, so i could actually figure out. but with zola, the documentation leaves a lot to be desired, and so i decided not to use it. which this kind of highlights a problem i have with a lot of ssg's: they are overly complex for things that should be pretty simple, like making a just text website. like, hugo, jekyll, and zola and co are all cool but do i need all this special yaml frontmatter and special _directories and templates and other stuff for things that really don't need it? so i made press just... work. like how you'd expect. its simple, and it works. also, there was another influence to this whole thing: oldernow from tilde.town and nightfall.city. they use a whole pre-thing for their website (only their index though), and ... well, you know, i agree. https://tilde.club/~oldernow/ i also got kind of sick of writing html and css. so i just copied them, kind of. they don't use anchor elements, because "well, do you really need them?" to which i answer, yes. yes i do. they are just there for convenience, so be glad that i didnt completely remove all html. also i love links. probably a carry over from my digital garden and zettlekasten days. so yeah. we are here now. this is how its going to be until press+ comes. IN CONCLUSION so you know how developers 'sunset' apps once they've reached their end of life? well, im sunrising spicata 99. its a new day